+51 901777144   ventas@fumigacionessac.com


About our story
About Our Company

Infrastructure, industry & innovation

Bringing together 28 mining and metals company members and over 35 national, regional and commodities association members, we strengthen environmental and social performance and serve as a catalyst for change, enhancing mining’s contribution to society.

The Value of Minerals and Metals

Safe, fair and sustainable construction industry

We strengthen environmental and social performance and serve as a catalyst for change, enhancing mining’s contribution to society.


Offering expertise and guidance in support of construction and engineering.

Mining & Metals

Offering expertise and guidance in support of construction and engineering.


Offering expertise and guidance in support of construction and engineering.


Offering expertise and guidance in support of construction and engineering.


Offering expertise and guidance in support of construction and engineering.


Offering expertise and guidance in support of construction and engineering.

About Our Company

A solid structure formed by staff with extensive experience

Our Mission

Our services enable our clients to fulfil their commitments and help them to achieve their commercial goals by promoting their growth.

Our Objetives

Our services enable our clients to fulfil their commitments and help them to achieve their commercial goals by promoting their growth.

Our Goals

Our services enable our clients to fulfil their commitments and help them to achieve their commercial goals by promoting their growth.

Trusted by forward-thinking construction & engineering teams around the world

Contact Details

  • Office AddressMidtown Manhattan 112 W 34th St, NYC. US
  • Our Telephones (+1) 212-946-2707 / (+1) 212-946-2700
  • Our Emails hello@Infinite.com / sales@Infinite.com

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    Construction and engineering professionals

    We provide geological consulting, exploration management and contract geological services to the global construction and exploration industry.

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